Monday, July 14, 2008

Music Notes - Learning it differently

Never have I thought that I would be able to read music notes so easily! =)

In my secondary school days, I joined porta sound (digital keyboard) as my CCA. It was a torture for me to read the music notes. I had no idea on how to remember them. So, I used a "shortcut" way to understand the notes, which is to simply write the notes in the letters representing them. It may seem simple, but it took me quite a long time to even do so. And, another issue is that I am not able to remember which key on the keyboard represents which letter. So, again, I used a "shortcut" which is to paste the letters of the key it represents on the keyboard. This may be useful in the short run, but it is definitely not going to help me in the long run.

However, I didn't get the chance to play much as my CCA was closed down. It was sad as I did enjoyed the times although it wasn't easy.

Until recently, I finally got my hands on a digital keyboard. Yes, I own one right now! haha

I started to explore new ways of reading the music notes.

And, to my amazement, I manage to read it easily without having to write it down. I also learned how to identify the keys on the keyboard. Yeah! =p

This what I do originally:

Refer to the standard notes, and fill in each letters to the song I am learning. This is what I call matching. Lol..
music notes

This is what I do now:

music notes - easy reading

For each alternate dots in between the lines, it would read F-A-C-E.
For each alternate dots on the line, it represents Every Good Boy Does Fine.
(Got this great info from Youtube videos!)

Now, whenever I cannot remember the letter, I would start to think of the sentence and it works! =p

As for the keys on the keyboard, this is what you can use to remember.
These are the 7 keys that repeats throughout.

- Chopsticks
F - Fork

to represent the black keys.

So, if you see "chopsticks", the white key will start with C. Same trick goes for "fork".
(thanks to a friend who shared this with me~)

Learning music notes can be made easier when you know the right way or the suitable way for yourself. The same goes for learning other new things!

#Learn as much as you can while you are young, since life becomes too busy later.