Thursday, August 12, 2010

1 Goal Achieved

I feel so much lighter now as I have cleared my University loan!! =)

Looking back, I remembered that I set the aim to repay it within one and a half year after my graduation.

I officially graduated in July 2010, so expected repayment date is Dec 2010.

But, this is the month of August and I am proud to say I cleared it! hahaha

I didn't expect myself to be able to complete the repayment so fast given that I was jobless for several months in 2009.

Splitting it into smaller payments, cutting down on spending, getting used to putting aside some money for the loan..

You just need to repay bit and bit and tadah ~ it's cleared!

I did it! Yeah! (^.^)


NabilaHazirah said...

Congrats to you!


aL said...

cx, you're amazing.
must be feeling lighter, freer!