He stays in the faraway part of Malaysia that I have not heard of - Alor Star.
And, this is the first time I have visited him whereas he has came all the way to visit my family several times.
It's a long long journey of 12 hours on coach bus to Alor Star. I wonder how my uncle endured it for so many times.
There wasn't much public transport in the area, so my cousin came to drive us to my uncle's place.
No tall buildings, but lots of green padi fields.
The sky is so blue and you could see the clouds so clearly.
It is a relaxing place, away from my computer and work..
His house is surrounded by fruits trees and padi fields that he grew~
we had coconut drink straight from the tree. haha
cosy table for afternoon tea~
Didn't do much for the day. Simply enjoyed the greenery & took photos ~
visited their night market which opens every friday. the varuety of food is alot more than what i expect.
Had dinner together with my uncle's family.
Though I didn't have much to say to them, but it was great eating together as a big family. =)