Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Push your limits!

I have completed 6 of my yoga lessons (out of 12).

It was refreshing and relaxing~~~~

However, as the lessons continues, we have to do more challenging poses. There is this pose which i seriously cannot do at all. My classmates seem to be able to do it easily. Lol

The pose looks something like this:
hatha yoga pose

We are supposed to have our legs over our head. But, my legs can only stretch or move till around 130 degrees. My teacher is understanding and asked me to do a simpler version first.

"You may not be able to get the full pose correct for the first time. But, with more practices, you'll be able to do a closer version of the pose." - Teacher J

In yoga, it is not about forcing yourself to do things you can't do. It is more of stretching and pushing your limits bit by bit till you can get it correct. =)

Overdoing or over-pushing yourself will only cause you injuries.

It applies to anything you may be learning~

#You don't have to get it right the first time, you just need to keep it going and do it right subsequently.