Friday, May 16, 2008

I'm Back!

Hi peeps, I'm back!! =)

Lucky for me, it's now my school holidays and it's for 3 months! some of my friends are still mugging for their upcoming exams. all the best to them!

This will be my last long holidays as I will be graduating next year. I wonder if i'll miss my schooldays, but, I'm sure I'll miss the holidays. haha =p Once you start to work, I believe you can't get such holidays anymore.


you build your own business and be financially FREE. that'll be different.

I attended a motivational talk by Adam Khoo recently due to a marketing competition held by Great Eastern. It's my first time hearing his talk. And, meeting more than I expected, he is a very energetic and charismatic person. Throughout the 1 hr talk, I believe everyone is engrossed in what he is saying as he constantly ask questions and requests the audience to finish his sentences.

Though some of the things that he mentioned is already known to me, it pushed me to do some serious thinkings as the same stuff are presented across more vividly and interestingly.

The 4 steps to SUCCESS:
steps to success
stay tune for more~

#Whether you think you can or whether you think you can't, you are right.


Anonymous said...

Take away with you the strategies he shared and apply in your own life and see the transformations!