Make A Difference Movie (Full version)
Make A Difference Movie (Short version)
#Make a difference in someone else's life today.
This is what happened to one of my student.
He used to be doing not well for Mathematics. Until, he came to us and learned the right strategies and attitude for learning. He has been improving since. His results soar from 50 to 80+. It was wonderful!
Then, he started to have the “yaya papaya” syndrome. It all started with a small step of not doing his corrections. And, it spreads to not concentrating when doing exam papers, not paying attention in class as he thinks he can already do well. Before the syndrome starts to increase, we stopped him by illustrating to him the consequences of such behaviors that past students had. All efforts that they have put in since day 1 would have been wasted and the desired results that they have been working so hard towards would be further away from them once again.
Lucky for him, he was cured quickly and back with his right attitude. =)
From him, I realized that consistency is very important in learning. You may be doing well now, but if you did not keep up with that you need to do, you will be back to square 1, having to start all over again.