Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Make A Difference

Watch this beautiful short story -

Make A Difference Movie (Full version)

Make A Difference Movie (Short version)

make a difference movie

#Make a difference in someone else's life today.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Start of busy schedule

School has started for me once again~

I have reached my third and last year in NUS. Before school starts, it is the nerve cracking allocation, bidding (similar to stock market, Lol) and balloting of modules! I did manage to secure the lectures for all the modules that I want. But, unfortunately for this round, I didn't manage to get my desired tutorial even though I had ranked it first in my balloting. Worst is, I did not manage to even get a tutorial timeslot for that module. Guess I didn't expect such popularity for the two timeslots I wanted.

The first week of lecture was more of a sampling of modules for students as we still have the chance to drop any modules we do not want. I was pretty surprised at the outcome of my lecturers, especially for my Singapore Studies - Government and Politics of Singapore. I thought it would be a super boring module with a boring lecturer given the name of the module. However, the lecturer was very energetic and passionate about this module. The way of his teaching is also very interesting and there were alot of laughters in the lecture hall. Another fact that surprised me was that he was actually the one of the authors of the Social Studies Book that we have been reading in Secondary Schools.

Then, of course, there is the busy selling and buying of books. Only managed to sell off 1 of my textbook. I don't like to keep textbooks as I don't have the habit of reading them again. Not that I do read when I buy them. Haha.

With 4 major projects to come, tutorials to prepare, and at the same time teaching my group of P4 - P6 students, learning yoga and keyboard, catching the upcoming Prison Break and many more, I would expect a packed schedule for the coming months.

But, I love busy life! It just make yourself feel useful and the break in between would seem more precious and well deserved. =)

back to school

p.s. today is 20/08/2008! Have a great day! ^.^

#The time to relax is when you don't have time for it.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

What do you see?

opening or shutting door

Do you see an opening door or a closing door?

What you see is often what you think.

Are you letting people into your life or shutting them out?

Thursday, August 07, 2008

"Yaya Papaya"

From someone who cannot do well in a certain task to someone who can do it great. This change is sometimes too much for people to take in a short time. And, this is when the “yaya papaya” behavior steps in.

This is what happened to one of my student.

He used to be doing not well for Mathematics. Until, he came to us and learned the right strategies and attitude for learning. He has been improving since. His results soar from 50 to 80+. It was wonderful!

Then, he started to have the “yaya papaya” syndrome. It all started with a small step of not doing his corrections. And, it spreads to not concentrating when doing exam papers, not paying attention in class as he thinks he can already do well. Before the syndrome starts to increase, we stopped him by illustrating to him the consequences of such behaviors that past students had. All efforts that they have put in since day 1 would have been wasted and the desired results that they have been working so hard towards would be further away from them once again.

Lucky for him, he was cured quickly and back with his right attitude. =)

From him, I realized that consistency is very important in learning. You may be doing well now, but if you did not keep up with that you need to do, you will be back to square 1, having to start all over again.

cycling boy

# "Yaya Papaya" syndrome may happen to anyone, please help to stop them from spreading. =)

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Money No Enough II

First time going to cinema with my mummy and didi =)

We watch the afternoon show thinking that there will be lesser crowds, but to our surprise, it was nearly full house. Mostly are families.

It was a very Singaporean show talking about the popular happenings in Singapore such as:

$ Increase in ERP

$ Increase in prices of anything but our salary. Lol

$ More and more star search shows, (do we really have so many talents or simply another means of earning $$$ from the public?)

$ Upcoming F1 race (good boost to our tourism industry, $$$)

$ Multi-level Marketing of health supplements

Basically everything is about $$$~

Everyone is focusing too much on $$$ that sometimes we forgot about the things $$$ can't buy.

"Have you felt poorer than poor?" - question by one Ah Huang when he lose his business and $. On top of that, his wife went to jail because of him, leaving him all alone.

Only when at your worst situation will people start to appreciate the family and friends around them.

Was really touched by one scene where the grandma choose to give up her life to save her granddaughter. It was not an easy choice - the beauty of family ties.

Catch the trailer below if you are still undecided about watching it. =p

Do support the movie! Funny and heartwarming~

#Cherish the people important to you, you never know when they will be gone.